Clarifying purpose & vision.

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” T S Elliot

Leaders who can point to something they are working towards that goes beyond their personal ambitions for career progression and monetary gain, are the ones who attract people who want to follow their lead.

Despite many of the ways modern western cultures incentivise and foster individualist mindsets, it is within our natures to want to connect with people and collaborate on meaningful work that taps into the greater good of the ecosystems we belong to.

Tuning into my client’s stories and the unique ways they see the world usually starts to reveal the kind of impact they want to make and how they want to go about shaping the culture they operate in.

What do you want to create?

It can be very easy to fall into a rhythm in life that leads us to repeating the same habitual patterns over and over again, leading to a feeling of staleness or inertia. We may have all the trappings of life that we were led to believe would make us happy but there is a feeling deeper within us that asks “is this it?”.

My job as your coach is to challenge the status quo, the assumptions that your life is based on and to provoke new, more expansive ways of viewing the world and all the possibilities it contains. This is done within a compassionate and empathetic container that acknowledges the challenges inherent within the human mind, and its desire to cling onto the status quo.