Developing self-awareness.
Knowing ourselves is essential if we are to go after the things that are meaningful to us in life and to play to our strengths.
What inspires you? Where are your strengths and what do you struggle with? What things are likely to trigger an emotional reaction and how do you respond under pressure.
A lot of the ways in which we show up in our lives today have been shaped though our experiences growing up, our environments and the feedback we received from the people closest to us. Taking the time to reflect on what is in our true nature and what are the identities we have had to take on in response to our circumstances can help us to shed the ways of being that no longer serve us.
I work with my clients to explore their stories and get an insight into how they see the world. I look for the meaning they generate from these stories and how they either empower them or keep them stuck in familiar loops of behaviour.
“The greatest journey is the one of self-discovery”
Lao Tzu
The real work…
How do we get to know ourselves better in practice? Unfortunately we are not born with a user manual and most of us have to go through painful experiences in our lives in order to figure out ways of being in the world that feel aligned to our true nature. We can either learn from our challenging experiences, continue repeating them or withdraw from life. Coaching creates a space to reflect intentionally on these experiences to shed new light on them and create fresh insights that can help us move beyond the reactions that may be keeping us stuck in unproductive loops of thinking and behaviour.
Revisiting painful or stressful experiences can be emotionally challenging and most people are understandably wary about going there. My role is to create the conditions for you to explore these experiences from a place where you feel settled and resourceful - receptive to the insights and freedom that come from being curious about our emotions.
Once we have new insights and perspectives we work together to create new habits that are more aligned to the person you want to be. This is about experimentation, trial and error. Creating feedback loops to help us tune into when you are on the right path.