There are two ways to influence behaviour. We can manipulate it or we can inspire it. Leaders influence by using the power of emotion and an understanding of our basic human needs to connect, belong and contribute to something bigger than ourselves.
Too many people in senior positions only seek to manipulate behaviour through process, procedure and incentives. These are the tools of management and while they can be effective to a certain degree, they don’t tap into the most powerful part of what drives us - our emotions. Skilled leaders are able to harness emotions in themselves and others in order to get people working towards a shared vision. They don’t just see positions on an org chart but individual people with unique stories, strengths and ambitions.
Strong leaders are able to connect with others because they are connected with themselves and the difference they want to make.
“Managers light a fire under people; leaders light a fire in people.”
Kathy Austin
How does coaching help?
One of my roles as a coach is to help leaders understand what it is about being a leader that appeals to them. Many people make the transition into leadership positions because it is the only way to progress in their organisations and they don’t take the time to think intentionally about why they want to be a leader.
The Leadership Exploration Programme gets leaders taking a step back and thinking more deliberately about why they want to be a leader and the kind of impact they can make in their organisations. When leaders combine this with a deep knowledge of who they are and what their strengths are then they are ready to make more of their potential.