Health & Wellbeing.
Our health and wellbeing is the foundation of our experience as human beings. With the daily pressures of being a leader it can be easy to forget this and get into bad habits that drain our energy, and over time, lead to burn out.
Despite all the scientific research we have that points to the importance of things like sleep, diet and exercise, so many leaders are still stuck in lifestyles that greatly detract from the quality of their wellbeing and their performance at work.
One of the core skills of any modern leader is their ability to manage their energy over the long run. To know when to have their foot on the accelerator and when they need to change gears and recover. They understand the need to not just work their minds but to balance this with physical engagement and connection to something larger than themselves - whether through purpose, community, personal values, or a sense of meaningful contribution.
“Health is the foundation of productivity and happiness, everything else in life builds on top of it .”
Steven Bartlett
How does coaching help?
My approach looks to examine all aspects of my client’s performance, acknowledging the connection between mind, body and our emotions. It’s amazing to see what seemingly tiny adjustments to our lifestyles outside of work can do to how we feel about ourselves and the impact this has on our performance at work.
I teach basic breathing and meditation techniques that can help my clients deal with the anxiety inducing elements of their jobs and access deeper states of calm and relaxation.
I also work with my clients to help them understand the relationship between physical health and energy levels and to establish healthy habits.
My approach is fundamentally holistic, treating individuals as complex, interconnected systems rather than simply focusing on workplace skills or productivity in isolation. It represents a sophisticated understanding of human performance that goes beyond traditional coaching or consulting models.